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Concrete floor is standard for any home, business, commercial, or industrial application. It can last for generations because of its durability and versatility, as long-life span strength characteristics are low in maintenance.


Below is a close look into why a concrete floor is excellent for your next project.


Why Use Concrete Floor?

Concrete is not a floor slab but the best foundation for its durability and beauty. Unlike other flooring materials, concrete has many benefits. Unlike vinyl or hardwoods, concrete can endure several kinds of friction. You can polish it to achieve elegance.


Concrete floors are also environment-friendly. They save you from using extra resources, and they last for decades with the proper industrial floor coatings. It means that, in the long run, you will use very few resources to preserve concrete floors.


Concrete Floor with Waterproofing Materials

It is only long-lasting if made with waterproof concrete. Without this, water will pierce through into the floor, causing cracks and more destruction. Do not worry. There are different materials to waterproof these for your convenience.

  • Polyurethane Waterproofing: It is most applicable for covering surfaces as the moisture and other chemical proofs are high.
  • Bitumen Waterproofing: Apply it if water mainly penetrates your area. It forms a defensive film and prevents leaks.
  • Integral Waterproofing: You can add it to the mix and apply it to the surface. It assures that the interior core is well-watertight.


Concrete Cover and Repairs

Concrete cover is the concrete thickness between the cover of the concrete and the rebar inside it. The overall role of concrete cover is to prevent corrosion, which makes the floor safe to use again. There are three types of concrete covers. Following are the usage of each of them:

  • Minimum Cover: This often occurs in dry indoor environments with low moisture levels. It protects the reinforcement bars against corrosion due to abrasion.
  • Standard Cover: It is helpful indoors and outdoors in homes and other buildings—protecting the structure.
  • Heavy-Duty Cover: This cover is perfect for use indoors or outdoors, for instance, in industries and other areas prone to water and chemicals. It provides total protection against corrosion.


Epoxy can revive a floor that cracks over time, while carbon fiber retrofitting reinforces weak parts of the component so that it can withstand heavy loads.



Why do concrete floors play such an important role?

Concrete is the best flooring in terms of durability and minimal maintenance procedures. It is also easily adaptable to functionality and aesthetic features.


How do you test a concrete floor?

Compression tests and checking the moisture level with the right instruments are the best methods for ensuring concrete flooring is ready for coatings or waterproofing.


How long does concrete flooring last?

Concrete flooring can extend its longevity in highly industrious areas, and it is applicable in areas with proper waterproofing materials and maintenance.


Enhance Your Concrete Flooring with Sealbond

A concrete floor is functional and an investment in long-term performance and aesthetics. With everything, a concrete floor will be powerful and beautiful for many years through proper maintenance of the care waterproofing and, finally, a crack repair for concrete.


Want to take your space to a new level? Depend on Sealbond for trustworthy waterproofing solutions, structural epoxy products, and industrial coatings. Sealbond makes your concrete floor last a lifetime. Contact us today!

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