Waterproofing Penetrating Concrete

Sealproof WPC is an airless spray-applied colloidal liquid base which when applied to Portland cement concrete produces a permanent hydrostatic barrier whilst penetrates into concrete capillaries and pores, reacts with free alkali in the concrete, and forms a Calcium-Silicate-Hydrate (C-S-H) reaction in the capillaries and pores to waterproof and protect the concrete.
- Precast Structures
- Parking Decks & Ramps
- Bridge Substructures & Superstructures
- Mechanical Rooms
- Roof Decks
- Architectural Concrete
- Rejuvenates concrete capillary & pore structure
- Converts regular mix designs to high performance mixes
- Waterproofs existing non-coated concrete
- Accepts all coatings or coverings
- Enhances resistance to chemical and environmental attack
- Permanent protection
- Access slabs in as little as 1-hour
- Increase durability
- Saves time and money
- Non-flammable
- Zero VOC content
SEALPROOF WPC is available in 20 Liters pail.