SEALBOND EPOXY FLOORING SELFLEVELING (EFC-80) is a two-component epoxy cycloalphimatic amine base, formulated from carefully selected, highest grade, epoxy resin and curing agents, manufactured under strict quality control standards. It cures to a hard flexible surface that is abrasion resistant. It has an excellent adhesion on properly prepared substrates, such as concrete and steel. SEALBOND EFC-80 is water-impermeable and has excellent resistance to oil, solvents, alkalis and most dilute acids.
- Ideal for floor topping of new and existing flooring of food processing plants, chemicals and pharmaceutical factories, sugar and oil refineries.
- Recommended for installation of anti-skid coatings both indoor and outdoor.
- For patching of deteriorated flooring.
- High performance coating system.
- Carparks, Warehouses and applications where abrasion, compressive strength are required.
- As a long lasting multi – purpose floor coating solution.
- Can be used without aggregates and still perform as a high antiskid coating
- Available in variety of colours
- Ease of application
- Low solvents content
- Low VOC
- Extremely high strength coating